Sunday 14 October 2012

Nose and ears

Right now I am staying in the House of Krank. My parents went on a tour of Cambodia and Vietnam just before I got to Australia ( regard the fine shot of my mother scaling a tree) and my dad hid a flu/ cough about his person. He then kindly passed it onto my mother who in turn gave it to me. I think I am onto my fifth lousy day far I think I have seen more of the bedroom ceiling than the blue sky outside. Actually, that is not entirely true. The three of us did manage to drag our festering bodies to an advanced screening of The Intouchables on Friday. Finally I have been able to see this film. I have been wanting to see it for months ( after rave reviews from my students)  but I was waiting for English subtitles.Well, it was  worth the wait. What a wonderful film...and I have a new cinema boyfriend out of it too. Sergeant Brody ( aka Damien Lewis) may be my television boyfriend but Francois Cluzet is for sure my new celluloid lover. My goodness I would so nibble his ears.
Saviour of  a sickening laydee

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