Wednesday 1 March 2017

On a new road

So today was one of those beautiful days that seemed like nothing terrible could possibly ever happen.

I decided to walk to the vet clinic in Ponte Egola to pick up some results. I walked to save money but I think I walked more to feel the distance between my home and the clinic. It was a good albeit exhausting decision. It really felt like when I saw my village from a distance everything troubling me was there and I was free for a minute. Free of all fears.  And it was such a peaceful meander along a quiet village road, the occasional birdsong and nodding farmer but not much else.

Of course the road must always end but not today I tell myself.

My Three Paw, my stalwart friend, has cancer. But in case you haven't met me that doesn't mean we simply give up. Not today my dear friend, not on such a glorious blue sky day.

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