Thursday 3 March 2011

my raison d'etre

I mentioned in a recent blog how I have been listening to the Algerian singer Souad Massi. In particular I am drawn to her song Matebkiche. It has such a beautiful melody - in a sad, longing sort of way. If I were a melody right now I would be this one. In the future I hope there will be a different melody for me but right now this one suits me just fine. I mean you can't always be Dancing Queen now can you!


I finally went back to yoga. Izabella was there with her wide open arms ( and incredibly bendy body!). I struggled through the class both physically and spiritually but strangely enough I managed to do the wheel pose unassisted for the first time in my life. Perhaps this is my raison d'etre...along with peppermint chocolate ice cream and Hafiz.

Oh and my braccialini handbag.

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