Sunday 18 December 2011

Dangerous Damper

Tonight I sat by the open fire at the Munster with another friend of mine from Brazil and cooked bread on a long stick . It tasted just like damper. It was a little pericoloso because there were three little boys  each with their own long poker-stick-of-bread waving it about in the fire and my face. Their father actually walked away and left them to it. I am surprised there wasn't some sort of eye massacre. Anyway despite the perils it was actually rather lovely sitting there and halfway through snow began to fall from the sky and the whole place looked pretty and other-worldly.
I then came home and baked gingerbread cookies which tasted enormously better than last week's scones. Honestly those things were inedible!!!
I am pleased because I have had a story accepted for publication by in their magazine Stupefying Stories. The editor said it was probably the fastest time in which he and the other editors have ever accepted a story. It must have only been about three hours which was a very nice experience for me. Often I send my stories out on lonesome cyber space journeys to find their home and I don't hear from them for ages if at all. I am hoping my other story which the editors at loved will also be accepted some time soon as this would help me feel as if I was finding my way ( at least literature-ly) again.

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