Sunday 2 April 2017

Fallen Star

This is my favourite door in the village. I wonder who lives behind it - a Tuscan imp, a mermaid who spawned land-legs, a fallen star. One day I will knock on its door and see what mythical creature appears.

In the meantime I shall continue smiling at it every time I walk to work. It takes me about 50 minutes to walk to the train station from home so I am always very grateful for little distractions such as this on the way.

My other favourite spot is along the goat path down the hill. The fireflies will be out soon and I do so love walking among them.

We go for our second round of chemotherapy tomorrow. I say 'we' because even though she has the therapy I am the one with all the anxiety. She takes it all in her stride...and she gets to see Alberto,  Me..I pace and fret and make deals with God.

We passed a quiet weekend in the garden, lying amongst daisies. You never know how the day will end.

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