Tuesday 20 March 2012

Clockwork Phoenix 2 now an e-book

Just to let you know CP2 which was originally released in paperback form in 2009 is now available in e-book format for your reading pleasure. And you have a plethora of choices.

Weightless Books

How neat is that!!!!

Even neater is the fact that my story "The Fish of Al-Kawthar's Fountain" which is set in Syria is in this book and Syria deserves to have a big light shone on it, however it can right now. Whenever I think of this story I think back to my time in fragrant-rich Damascus and also in Homs. In particular the night I spent on Homs' urban streets with a family at 3 in the morning. Urban streets that are now a war zone but were once a haven for corn-cob munching families and strolling midnight camels. May it soon become a haven once more.  

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