Friday 27 January 2012

Bandido Bags

Today I lost my passport for three miserable hours which was very frustrating. Imagine not being able to go to Marktkauf!!! I eventually found it at the bottom of my Ark handbag. Obviously I cannot be angry at my bag because I love her unconditionally but I did feel the animals were smiling just a little bit too hard. It reminded me of the time I lost my passport mid-air between Turkey and Lebanon. That was a charmingly fraught hour - and my handbag ( a different one) was the culprit then too.

Obviously even more frustrating than losing my passport temporarily is the very sad fact that I have to work tomorrow. Sigh. I normally reserve Saturdays for sleep, washing, shop-ambling and the occasional chocolate binge. I comfort myself with the fact it means next time I go on holidays I will be able to stay at a one * hotel instead of a no *. Woo hoo!

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