Friday, 30 December 2011

moet and milk

Yesterday I went out to the supermarket and came home with a bottle of Moet and a carton of milk. To be fair the milk came first ( I am a firm believer in calcium) and then I saw the pyramid of Moet  luring me over so I had to 'home' at least one of them. I figure this is ok because from here on in until the end of the year I probably won't see anybody I know since anybody I do know has escaped big ol' Basel for the new year. So at least I will be able to pour something nice over my breakfast cereal right!   Oh and the milk will be good with tea.

I don't think I'm even going to bother with some sort of reflection of the year. As far as I can tell it has been awful, it continues to be awful  and it's not suddenly going to be swell in two days time. All I can say though is please please please let the Arab mission to Syria work!!! Let the gift be healed. And let my favourite bead-maker find his joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2011 was for the f_cking birds. If it was a jumper it would already be in a bin bag for Sue Ryder. If it was a horse it would be glue. If it was a joke it would have been texted to everyone on Earth with a phone and ignored or deleted for its joyless, unfunny, wall smacking shiteness.

2012, unless you believe in the Mayan prophecy, can only be better.

I am an awful pessimist but even I know with some certainty that the next year will be comparative bliss next to this one.

J, you deserve to be happy. Act accordingly.

beaucoup d'amour, toujours

P xoxoxoxoxoxox